Guide for Vocab Wizard

Select the length of your term.

Start two boxes of flashcards every week to finish 20 boxes in
   17 weeks.
Start one box of flashcards every week to finish 20 boxes in 27    weeks.

Select your desired test day and the date of your first test.

If you have purchased the Vocab Wizard and Vocab    FlashCards 4800 in a package, you can select your desired    test day after you confirm that the shipped flashcards have    arrived at your address.

Select any day of the week to take your test, according to    your scheduling needs. For instance, do you want to review    the flashcards during the week and take your test on the    weekend? Then select Saturday or Sunday as your test day.

Your first test date is to be selected from the    dates between the 3rd and 14th days from today.

All your test dates are automatically determined    once you choose the date of your first test.

Your study and test schedules cannot be changed    once they are finalized today, but you are allowed    to take the skipped tests after the scheduled test    dates.

Study hard and take your tests on the dates you’ve set aside.

In the monthly-schedule calendar, you can confirm which    boxes you will study every day.

You will see the test symbol on your test days.