• Who manages our ReadingCare account?

We provide each PTA chair with an administrative webpage.

Since your PTA’s ReadingCare account has its own unique promotion code, any purchase that is made by using this promotion code will be automatically registered in your PTA’s account. Your school’s PTA chair is given access to an administrative webpage that will enable him or her to confirm the details of every eligible purchase in real time.

The accounting functions on this webpage make it easy to see at a glance how much money your PTA has earned for any given period of time.

  • How do I promote our promotion code to parents and students?

  1. Get endorsements from the English teachers at your school.
  2. Before you spread the word to parents, ask English teachers at your school to evaluate our program and give you their unbiased opinions. Their endorsements will help convince parents that ReadingCare.com produces great results.

  3. Talk about ReadingCare’s fundraising program during PTA meetings and events.
  4. Introduce ReadingCare to parents at meetings and events, and teach them how to use the promotion code for a 20% discount. Make sure to mention that 20% of their purchases will be donated to your school’s PTA.

  5. Circulate your promotion code through social networks, emails, phone calls, blogs, and more.
  6. Your market is not limited to your own school’s students. Share your promotion code with as many people as possible, whether it’s through your church, temple, workplace, or book club. Be sure to take advantage of Facebook and Twitter to reach potential clients both within and beyond your school’s community.

  • What do I tell parents about ReadingCare?

ReadingCare’s Article-Reading programs have been created by Harvard and Yale graduates who specialize in English education. These programs have been specifically designed to help students and teachers meet the Common Core Standards recently adopted by 46 states throughout the U.S.
  • Common Core Standards require schools to significantly increase the amount of non-fiction reading that will be taught in classrooms
  • ReadingCare is the only daily non-fiction reading practice program available online
  • Detailed reading comprehension tutorials are provided to the students through both text and videos
  • Students will be exposed to a variety of subjects, fields, and writing styles through our daily articles
  • ReadingCare’s daily quizzes are an incredibly effective way to improve reading comprehension skills
  • Video tutorials teach test-taking skills for both the SAT and ACT
  • Online progress reports are available in real time for parents to keep track of their child’s development
  • English teachers have endorsed ReadingCare.com (this is what you can tell only after your school’s English teachers have endorsed.)
  • These programs will help raise SAT and ACT scores steadily and rapidly, which in turn will improve the public profile of your school
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